
Thursday 14 November 2013

Tips For A Whiter Smile :)

These are just a few tips for a whiter teeth. :)

1. Dental floss. It helps to prevent and remove stains between your teeth.
2. Water. Drinking water cleanses your mouth of acid and sugar.
3. Electric toothbrush. Using an electric toothbrush removes more stains than a normal toothbrush.
4. Strawberries. Eating strawberries can actually make your teeth whiter, brighter and healthier.
5. Dairy. The calcium and phosphorus help to protect your tooth enamel
6. Crunchy fruit and vegetables. Crunchy fruit and vegetables act as a natural abrasive.
7. Gum. Chewing gum gets rid of partially stains.
8. Condiments. Eat less condiments or none. Condiments are sauces, such as tomato sauce.
9. Berries. After eating any berry fruit brush your teeth, because they are one of the most worst staining fruit.
10. Dark beverages. When drink dark beverages, try making them lighter, an example would be putting milk in.
11. Too hot or cold beverages. Beverages that are too hot or cold are dangerous for the teeth enamel.
12. Use a straw. Using a straw can prevent some acid from the drink you are drinking to come into your mouth.
13. Choose the right lipstick. By choosing the right lipstick you can make your teeth appear more whiter. Brown - toned lipstick can make grey teeth seem whiter. On the other hand nude or pink shades can make off-white or yellow teeth whiter.
14. Whitening strips. Dentists recommend using them, they are widely available and effective.
15. Toothpaste. Brushing your teeth with toothpaste before you go to sleep can prevent stains forming while sleeping

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