

Hello. Welcome to my little blog. Whilst you're here, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you personally for being a reader of my blog and for taking an interest in me here. I am just a tiny silly blog among a whole lot of different more successful blogs. So, thank you lovely person in front of your computer/tablet/phone screen right now. I'm extremely flattered and humbled that you're lending your time through reading this right now.
But "thank you's" are not what you visited this page for. So let me get on with unravelling some parts of myself and my life for you. :)

My name is Gabriela, but everyone just calls me Gabi. I'm 16 years old, born on the 16th of June and I am a Gemini (Is that relevant information?). I live in Sydney, Australia, in an unknown suburb. Well... people in near by neighbourhoods know it. I am saying that it is unknown, because Sydney, in general Australia is thought of either sandy beaches, with beautiful ocean views or desolate sun scorching deserts. Which is in a way true. This suburb that I live in is in the northern part of Sydney. It is called Forestville, it means town in the forest. This area was originally a thick wooded forest until James French settled here and began felling timber in 1856 and eventually built a small wharf Bantry Bay to ship timber to Sydney. I love this suburb. It is not that quiet, but not that noisy either. It's perfect. I don't think I was supposed to tell you where I live, but it is such a beautiful place that I couldn't help it.

What you will notice from a distance about me is that I am quite tall at my age (1m 80cm), have blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't particularly like my eyes. Sure I like the colour of them, but not the fact that I have a lazy eye. If I don't concentrate on an object that I am looking at and forget about that stupid lazy eye, it become lazy. I wouldn't mind it at all, if people stopped pointing, bulling or avoiding me, just because of my that. It doesn't happen often, but I can tell that sometimes when I leave the boundaries of my beloved home that people just happen to do all of that.

You might of have noticed already in my blog that I love to construct lists. It is something that I always loved to do. Just in my room specially I have a large whiteboard and a cork board just for lists and notes. Not to mention the apps for lists (my favourite app for lists is Wunderlist).

Everyone has their must-do-everyday thing. I have a couple must-do-everyday things. Reading, blogging and must watch something on YouTube. I love to read and my future dream is to have dedicated a room in my house just for books. A room stored with endless stories that capture you and make you immersed in the wonder of them. I have so many blogs that serve to a certain purpose. Unfortunately I can not stop time to update everyone single blog daily. Lastly, YouTube, it is where I watch a variety of people that not only entertain, but inspire. The vloggers and gamers who upload their videos gotten me through tough times. Making me happy and bringing back memories. Most of them don't consider themselves special, extraordinary, just normal people.

Since a young age I tried to fit in. Most girls in my year like and still do like the same things - shopping, dolls, dresses, anything pink, pop music. Not me. I was the girl (and still am) who would wear jeans (the straight type, not the ones that everyone calls skinny jeans that look like someone glued them onto skin), a t-shirt (grey, blue or black) and vans. Simple. I remember one day when I was younger I asked my Mum to buy me some Bratz dolls, because everyone had them and was bringing them for show-and-tell class. It turned out that I never played with them, sure I brought them in, trying to convince everyone that I am not that different. The only two prominent item of 'girliness' that I have in common with other girls is jewellery and makeup. It is something that I love and must wear. It completes my outfit and makes me similar to other girls. Years later, now, I know that different is not always bad. It makes me happy. I still am the girl in my year who isn't happy wearing that uniform (a pink dress), who plays soccer occasionally, plays a hell of a lot of video games, hates pink and plays deafening electronic and rock music. I know that I am not alone. That other girls are the same as me. Girls who are trying to fit in and are different from others. :)

Thank you for reading all of that. Even if you haven't read all of it, thank you for being curious enough to click onto this 'About Me' page. Remember ~ Curiosity is not always a bad thing.

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